Final Team Blog Post
This is the part of the code that outputs the trigger pin of the distance sensor and gets the input back from the distance sensor in the echo pin. The duration between the trigger pin and the echo pin is then changed into inches. Th value of which is used in the following while statement to trigger the rest of the vending machine.
long duration, inches;
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
inches = microsecondsToInches(duration);
This is the Google Drive link to all the solidworks parts as well as the assembly and the final Arduino code used.
This is one of the front faces of the vending machine. This part was 2D cut from Opaque Acrylic. The main cut was the door opening, while the smaller cut is the coin slit. The other 2D laser cut parts were one of the sides and the roof, which were made out of whiteboard.
There were no 3D printed parts used in the final prototype product because we were stretched on time since we were doing the Dean's prototyping competition. The 3D printer was also down during the time that we needed to get something 3D printed, so we had to improvise.
The bulk of the manufacturing was hand built using leftover wood parts, plywood, and metal brackets. The hand built parts of the design were joined either with screws or with nails. The 2D laser cutted parts were joined to the rest of the prototype with Gorilla Glue.